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2018-2019 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog

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机械工程包含了这种分析, development, design, 以及对各种机械系统的测试,包括涉及力学的机器, motion, and energy: alternative energy systems, biomedical devices, robotic systems, vehicles, aircraft, engines, HVAC systems, and industrial equipment.

在整个四年的课程中,“设计和建造”的教育理念贯穿于广泛的实验室和项目活动中,为专业实践做准备. 学生在课程的各个阶段都参与设计. 在每个级别上,他们必须实现自己的设计,并进行测试、验证和重新设计. 这种方法允许学生体验许多现实世界的约束,如项目经济学, project planning and scheduling, environmental considerations, 设计的可制造性/可生产性, laboratory and product safety, and product reliability.

大三和大四的机械工程课程建立在大一和大二课程的基础上,提供更深入的机械设计, 和动力系统,以及热流体科学和工程的额外背景. 学生完成这些领域的必修课程,并从相同领域的选修课程中进行选择, and/or manufacturing, 以及包括生物医学工程在内的新兴领域, and alternative energy systems.




Program Educational Objectives


  • 在他们的职业生涯中展示技术能力;
  • 在工业或学术环境中有效地工作;
  • engage in professional development; and
  • shape their professions and societies.

Student Outcomes and Assessment

The graduate will demonstrate

  1. 具有应用数学、科学和工程知识的能力;
  2. 能够设计和进行实验,以及分析和解释数据;
  3. 设计系统、组件或过程以满足预期需求的能力;
  4. 能够在多学科团队中工作;
  5. 具有识别、制定和解决工程问题的能力;
  6. 理解专业和道德责任;
  7. an ability to communicate effectively;
  8. 了解工程解决方案在全球和社会背景下的影响所必需的广泛教育;
  9. 认识到终身学习的需要和能力;
  10. a knowledge of contemporary issues;
  11. an ability to use the techniques, skills, 以及工程实践所必需的现代工程工具;
  12. 具有应用工程原理的能力, basic science, and mathematics (including multivariate calculus and differential equations); to model, analyze, design, and realize physical systems, components or processes;
  13. an ability to work professionally in thermal systems; and
  14. 具有机械系统方面的专业工作能力.

Degree Requirements

机械工程专业的学生必须完成B的所有要求.S.E. 学历包括通识教育和基本技能要求, the foundations of engineering courses, cooperative education, 工程设计顶点课程和以下机械工程课程:

Required Courses


Manufacturing Engineering Electives 以下课程不得超过两门,以满足ME专业的选修要求.

Biomedical Engineering Electives


First Co-op Semester: Spring/Summer

Fifth Academic Semester: Fall

Second Co-op Semester: Winter

  • General education (Issues)

Sixth Academic Semester: Spring/Summer

  • General education course (Arts)

Third Co-op Semester: Fall

  • General education (Issues)

Seventh Academic Semester: Winter

  • Mechanical engineering elective
  • Mechanical engineering elective

The prerequisites for EGR 485 are acceptance into the B.S.E. 学位课程并完成学生工程专业所列的必修课程. 对于机械工程专业,这些必修课程是: EGR 250 and EGR 329 and EGR 346 and EGR 409 and EGR 468 and (EGR 350 OR EGR 352 OR EGR 445 OR EGR 447 OR EGR 463 OR EGR 465 and EGR 475); EGR 468 and (EGR 350 OR EGR 352 OR EGR 445 OR EGR 447 OR EGR 463 OR EGR 465 OR EGR 475) may be taken concurrently.

Eighth Academic Semester: Spring/Summer

Engineering Program Description

Click here for the program description.

If you are in need of assistance please submit any questions or comments.